Friday, November 2, 2018

#Ashura, Imam Hussain A.S., Panjataan Paak A.S, Ahlulbait A.S.

As received posted:

#Ashura (1440)

A question about Imam Hussain A.S.

A muslim friend, who doesn’t identify as a lover of Ahlulbayt (A.S.) asked me during muharram *how do you love Hussain A.S. so much, when you haven’t seen him, or met him, or know him in real life?*

The answer, which was long yet very simple, was this: the physical eye is typical and worldly.

I’ve seen Hussain A.S. with my heart, when I say the word “hussain” my heart breaks, when I say his name I see him in front of me.

It doesn’t have to be the physical manifestation, but the ideology, the selflessness, the virtue, the truth, the justice, the tawheed and full submission to GOD at all times.

Hussain A.S. embodies, he is the physical manifestation of all that is good and right and just.

When I say “Ya Hussain” I’m calling on all of those things intertwined to create this human being who allah created to uphold and maintain “La Illaha Illa Allah” alive and well, to maintain islam, to maintain the Quràan the God’s words.

Hussain A.S. is everything which you view that is good and right and holy,.

He is the embodiment of them; so are the rest of ahlul bayt, yet hussain is the leading example, as the rest of Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) have said, La Yawm Ka Yawmuka Ya Abba Abdillah, “there is no day like yours (Ashura) oh Abba Abdillah (Hussain).”

This is what it means when the famous saying is said, “the name of Hussain A.S. strikes o fire in the heart of every mumin (believer).” when you have a sound heart, a feel for others, altruism and to do good and be just, then Hussain’s message is yours as well. embody it.

This message is not limited to muharram, ashura or Arbaeen. this is a philosophy, a way of life of all of Ahlulbayt.

I see Hussain in my heart, I feel his presence, and that is how and why I love him so much.

Hussain and his father, Ali A.S, taught me how to love truly, unconditionally, selflessly.

It is that love of self sacrifice for Allah SWT and complete submission that is the most important ultimately.

The message of Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) in the end is love. simply, complete and unconditional love.


Labbayk ya Hussain A.S

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Whatever happens is by the Will of Allah, whether it be good or bad. Sometimes we forget Allah when it comes to happy moments, but immediately turn to Him for the bad. We should always be thanking Allah (SWT) for His infinite blessings, even in the tough times. He still gives and gives and we don’t even ask. The mercy of our Lord is beyond.. Subhna’Allah. “Its better a calamity that turns you to Allah, than a blessing that makes you forget Allah”
Always say Alhamdulillah for everything….